Congratulations to classmate Kendra on the birth of her daughter, Laney Beth Asher. She was born on January 7, 2009 and weighed in at 5 pounds 10 ounces. She joins big brothers Alex and Trevor. We're all so happy to welcome Laney to the Class of 89 family.
Our reunion date is set for Homecoming weekend, Oct. 2nd, 2009. We would love to hear from our classmates before then. Let us know what you've been up to over the last 20 years or send in pictures and funny stories from high school days. Send an email to and we'll post it to the blog.
Dear old Jonesboro High We will always be true, And your praises we always will sing; When on life's stormy seas We at last have embarked, Honor to your name we'll try to bring. And if we should wander From you afar, We will never forget as years go by That our Alma Mater is still just as dear As when we were here at JONESBORO HIGH.
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